Of The BloodRaw Promo Tour
We all arrived in Jacksonville, FL tonight around 11 PM. Raw and his crew drove the five hours from Atlanta. I flew because of my schedule. As much as I would have liked the bonding time with the guys in the van, I was so busy setting up Raw's tour all week that I needed the extra time to get my shit together to come out on the road for a month.
I'm at the hotel working, and Raw's at the club with Bigga Rankin (Plush Club). Tomorrow we'll go through the 'hood and attend a meet and greet for DJs that Bigga Rankin was kind enough to set up.
We're doing this tour on a super shoe string budget. Unless we can build a strong buzz around the first single: Louie, featuring Jeezy, Def Jam will not kick in and pick up the project. So we're hitting the streets hard with a ridiculously low budget.
I gotta give a HUGE thank you to Kinky B and Erica at CTE for tolerating me and helping supply what we need to make this tour happen. Erica went above and beyond, and we haven't even had the time to thank her properly or keep her updated properly, and she hasn't given us a hard time about it--and she could!!
I spent all last week setting up this tour, for free, because I love Raw and this shit comes so easy for me. But me and my superstar team (Lola and Ace) piched in and did 3 weeks worth of work in 7 days. Crazy...
I gotta thank my clients JAG and TMI Boyz, because they put up with me shifting my focus for a couple weeks to BloodRaw. It will come back to them a million times over....
I am going into this 25 day tour tired, because I did not even take a day off since setting up the SEAs. No rest for the weary.
Can't wait to see my industry husband, Bigga Rankin, tomorrow. He jumped in head first to help us with this tour, setting up a couple of days for us (thank you Stephanie, for making it a reality--I know he was the mastermind, but you brought it into fruition). He even set up shows for Raw. What an amazing human being Bigga Rankin is. Why haven't I married him yet??
Just so you know...BLOODRAW is gonna FLOP!
Who invited these bitch ass haters to my Blog? Like anyone cares what you think about who will succeed and who won't. Trifling....
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