Monday, June 12, 2006

Time Warner Cable sucks. I lose my cable connection (Road Runner) at least twice a week. It just disappears for blocks of time with no warning, no explanation, and certainly no price adjustment. For the $50 they stick me for every month, plus the $15 a month their co-owned AOL slugs rob me for each month, one would think they’d get their shit together.

The second a better solution comes along in broadband, I’m on it. It will delight me beyond words to pull my $65 a month away from these fuck ups called Time Warner/AOL. Ditto for my Sprint cell phone service, by the way….

I already left Bell South in the dust for the $125 that I was paying each month to those corporate thugs-- I now pay $25 to Vonage for better service. I remember all those times my phone bill was two days late and Bell South cut me off so they could hit me with that super high reconnection fee (that they were kind enough to spread of 12 monthly installments so I could be reminded for a year that they are greedy). So now their customers are leaving in droves to be treated better for a more reasonable price. Hah! Couldn’t happen to a nicer company. Idiots.

OK, I’m done ranting now. Of course I have to wait to post this on my Blog because I can’t get on the damn internet. Now we’re back to Time Warner Cable and how they suck. The second another broadband choice comes along…


Blogger urbonics media said...

Comcast has worked pretty well for me, Wendy

6/15/06, 12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


And I usually cancel after the promo period (6 months for $19.99 or whatever) is up and the re-instate but only if they're not charging for installation. LOL

6/17/06, 2:48 AM  
Blogger Ricky Ross said...

I wish we had Comcast here in Memphis...Time Warner is pure BUTT.

6/23/06, 2:09 PM  

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