Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day Fourteen: Team BLOODRAW Promo Tour
Still Memphis, TN

In the morning, we got up and decided to drive straight through to Charlotte. Today is our only down day on the 25 day tour. But before getting on the road, I dragged the guys downtown to the Lorraine Motel, where Martin Luther King was assassinated. Now, I am far more Malcolm than Martin, but I do realize the importance of MLK and his “change through non-violence” campaign. After just popping up on the Civil Rights Museum (what the building surrounding the Lorraine Motel has become), they were ill-equipped to handle a famous rapper just showing up without calling first. When I lived in Memphis, I used to drag rappers through all of the time, and they welcomed the opportunity to show off their outstanding museum, and even allowed access to the balcony where MLK was shot—for photo ops. I’ve shlepped David Banner and Slick Rick through that museum, both of whom turned around and made healthy anonymous donations. For some reason, today they weren’t having it, or us. What a sad day for a music city when a rapper is turned away from such an important historical site. We skipped the museum tour, took photos out front, and went on our way to Charlotte. It was an eight hour drive… ugh!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After just popping up on the Civil Rights Museum, they were ill-equipped to handle a famous rapper just showing up without calling first.

I'm sorry, were you traveling with a famous rapper? I thought you were wasteing precious life in a state of denial bumping around the "Chitlon Circuit" with YJ's weakest weed-carrier.

2/24/08, 7:02 PM  
Blogger Ricky Ross said...

Glad to see you didn't waste any precious time in school learning how to spell... Hey, who invited these trifling haters to my Blog? You aren't welcome here...

2/24/08, 8:24 PM  

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